

This year Ukrainians throughout the world are marking a milestone in the history of their nation – the 25th anniversary of the re-establishment of the Ukrainian state as proclaimed on 24 August 1991.

Ukrainian Independence Day will be commemorated proudly by Ukrainians as their greatest national holiday despite the relentless Russian aggression that aims to deny them this well-deserved right.

Ukrainians have a great deal of which to be proud. A rich history and culture, a highly educated population, a diverse harmonious community with over 130 nationalities, natural resources contributing to leading exports, a globally highly-rated young entrepreneurial capacity – all of which have jointly contributed to the development of a civil society that has risen to the challenge with unprecedented resolve to be the main crafter of the nation’s destiny. 

Am 13. Juli 2016 wird Oleh Sentsov 30 Jahre alt.
Der Dachverband der ukrainischen Organisationen in Deutschland e.V. unterstützt die Briefaktion von Amnesty International -

Der Dachverband der Ukrainischen Organisationen in Deutschland e.V. ruft alle Ukrainer in Deutschland sowie alle, denen das Schicksal von Nadija Savchenko nicht gleichgültig ist, auf, die E-Petition an die Europäischen Leaders zu unterzeichnen:

Free Savchenko: Open letter to European leaders

We appeal to you to take emergency measures with the goal of the immediate and unconditional release of 34-year-old Nadia Savchenko, a Ukrainian citizen, kidnapped and imprisoned for more than twenty months in the Russian Federation.

The Russian authorities have made a mockery of civil rights, international law, and their own Constitution. They show disdain for the international community and the Minsk Protocol alike.

So far, all efforts of the international community have proven unsuccessful. On March 4, in protest against the proceedings of the Russian court, Nadia Savchenko announced a full hunger strike, refusing even liquids.

Our ability to save her life will test the effectiveness of international diplomacy and our commitment to European values.

Copyright 2011. Joomla 1.7 templates. Dachverband der ukrainischen Organisationen in Deutschland