Appel for Donation with Rebecca Harms and other Members of the European Parliament

Категорія: Новини


Help Wolodymyr Zhemchugov !

zhemchuhov01The Ukrainian civilian Wolodymyr Zhemchugov was held hostage in the separatist-controlled part of Luhansk region for one year. Before the hostage taking, the explosion of a mine seriously injured him. He never received adequate medical treatment, lost both of his arms and suffered a serious eye injury. During captivity, Wolodymyr Zhemchugov was tortured regardless of his very poor health.

In mid-September, a prisoner exchange took place within the framework of the Minsk agreements, thanks to which he was able to return to Ukraine.

It is absolutely crucial for Wolodymyr to receive treatment in Germany in order to improve his current health condition. The Ukrainian doctors are optimistic that Wolodymyr´s eyesight can be saved if he receives high-standard medical treatment, which is available in Germany. A future treatment in the US is in the preparatory stage for custom-fitting prostheses.

Thanks to the rapid responses from the German Foreign Office and the German Embassy in Kiev and to the continuous efforts of Mariia Ionova and Iryna Gerashchenko, two deputes of the Ukrainian Parliament, Vladimir already arrived in Germany and is currently receiving treatment in the university medical centre of Cologne.

Rebecca Harms: "I met Wolodymyr and his wife shortly after the exchange of prisoners on my last visit to Ukraine. Both left a deep impression on me. Through donations, we can meaningfully contribute to improve Wolodymyr Zhemchugov´s health and assist him and his wife in coping with the psychological and medical challenges ahead. The German Foreign Office covers the costs of Wolodymyr´s treatment. Still there are further expenses. The accommodation of Wolodymyr´s wife, the payment of translators, as well as expenses for clothes and communication to Ukraine are among the many expenses.

That is why I have asked the Association of Ukrainian organisations in Germany to collect donations. I therefore ask you kindly to donate and improve Wolodymyr´s life circumstances despite the physical hardship he will have to face."

Please transfer the donation on this account. You will receive a contribution receipt. Thank you for your support.


Dachverband der Ukrainischen Organisationen in Deutschland e.V.


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Hilfe für Zhemchugov


Supported by:

Rebecca Harms, Member of European Parliament, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group

Michal Boni, Member of European Parliament, European People´s Party (EPP)

Jaromir Stetina, Member of European Parliament, European People´s Party (EPP)


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